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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Coworking space

Coworking is a way of working that allows people to share a space, foster projects, and enhance business opportunities.

With this goal in mind, the UAB has designated a space for all members of the university community who have innovative ideas and need a workspace to bring them to life. Additionally, they will benefit from the support of professionals who will provide guidance at the start of their project.

The Emprèn UAB coworking space is located in Plaça Cívica (first floor of the RR building, above the bar), at the heart of the Campus. You can request access by writing to uab.empren@uab.cat.

Emprèn UAB coworking space
Coworking space of Emprèn UAB, at the Employability Service (RR building, Plaça Cívica)