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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
School forDoctoral Studies

Contact Information and Office Hours of the Doctoral School

User Information

If you are interested in joining one of our PhD programmes, plase check the information sheet of the PhD programme you are intestested in. In there you will find the admission requirements, as well as the contact details.

1. Contact with the Doctoral School

Face-to-face assistance to users at the Doctoral School: An appointment may be made for a face-to-face procedure by following this link for these topics:

  • Collecting the PhD certificate or UAB certificate
  • Passport certification to request the title
  • Delivery at the Doctoral School of the access documentation (degrees and certificates) for first-year students (or other years)

For the rest of the issues, you must write to the institutional addresses or call the corresponding telephone numbers (telephone service hours: from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.).

To improve efficiency, we ask you to send us a single email with the query/doubt... We will respond as soon as possible.
The School will respond to all emails in order of arrival, unless consultations with other UAB units have to be made. It is recommended to send a single email per subject and only to the specific address of the query. Remember that in the message you must indicate the name, surname and NIU/NIA of the student.
The Doctoral School will remain closed during the non-teaching periods of Easter and Christmas and during the month of August (there will be no face-to-face attention, the contact email will be: escola.doctorat@uab.cat, during the 1st and last week of August). SERVICES AUGUST 2024

Throughout the year except non-teaching periods

Contact Information
Subject E-mail Address Mobile Extension
Access ed.admissions@uab.cat --------------- -------------
Enrolment (registration, payments...) ed.matricula@uab.cat 660999992 6217
Follow-up (follow-up minutes and extensions of PhD studies) ed.seguiments@uab.cat --------------- -------------
Academic records (withdrawals, changes of thesis supervisors/academic tutor, changes of permanence regime, modifications of personal data) ed.expedients@uab.cat 669436013 6163
Certificates ed.titols@uab.cat    
UAB Certificates ed.certificats@uab.cat 618643144 6037
Thesis (general queries, queries of members of the tribunal, international components, etc.) tesis@uab.cat 935814211 4211
Information on transversal training activities ed.transversals@uab.cat -------------- --------------
Thesis defense sheet ed.fitxa.defensa@uab.cat 935814211 4211
Documentation after the thesis defense ed.documentacio.defenses@uab.cat 935814211 4211
Academic Certificates ed.certificats@uab.cat 618643144 6037
Certificates for homologations, equivalences... ed.certificats@uab.cat 618643144 6037
Computer incidents (Sigma, incidents with the thesis deposit, registration of external directors/tutors to Sigma) ed.intranet@uab.cat 935813836 3836
Cotutelle (requests) ed.cotutela@uab.cat 935811255  
Industrial PhD (applications) doctorat.industrial@uab.cat 935811255  
Erasmus ed.mobilitat@uab.cat 660999992 6217
Teaching plan ed.pla.docent@uab.cat 689540672 6200
Commissions (procedures with the Permanent Board, PhD Commission) ed.comissions@uab.cat 699224494 6204
Doctoral Programs ed.programes@uab.cat -------------- --------------
Quality Manager ed.qualitat@uab.cat 689540672 6200
Academic Manager   935814444 4444
Head of the Technical Unit   935813000 639157298
Economic Manager ed.economia@uab.cat 659967382 6843
Direction (Secretariat of the Direction of the Doctoral School) escola.doctorat@uab.cat 935814044 4044
Director of the Doctoral School directora.doctorat@uab.cat 935868553 --------------

2. Contact with PhD Programmes

Check here the institutional addresses to contact the PhD programmes.

We have also prepared some frequently asked questions to make it easier for you to get answers to the most common questions. You will find them at the end of each section of our website.

Do you have any questions?

On the website you will find complete information on:

On the PhD information pages, you will find the details of each programme.