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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departament of Clinical and Health Psychology

Positioning of the Dialogue Table for the Prevention of Eating Disorders on the Practice of Taking Anthropometric Measurements in Children and Adolescents in Educational Centers

16 Jul 2024
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Last December, the position of the Dialogue Table for the Prevention of Eating Disorders, coordinated by the Public Health Agency of Catalonia, on the practice of taking anthropometric measurements in children and adolescents in educational centers was published, authored by Bujalance Arguijo, Manera Bassols, Salvador Castell, and Sánchez Carracedo (2023).

This document takes a critical stance towards this practice, highlighting the potential negative effects on the physical and mental health of children. It argues that taking anthropometric measurements can negatively affect self-esteem, in addition to promoting a stigma associated with excess weight.

Among other proposals, it mentions the need to implement protective procedures when taking these measures, including the preservation of privacy and the minimization of stigmatization.

The document concludes by highlighting alternatives for addressing excess weight that do not focus exclusively on weight control but promote changes in healthy habits and a more holistic view of health.

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