The Faculty of Science opens new teaching laboratories
On 3 March, the new chemistry teaching laboratories for the different degrees of the faculties of Science and Biosciences will come into operation. The works carried out in the new spaces are part of the remodelling works of the C7 even spine of the C building.

The new teaching laboratories have been completely refurbished, both in terms of infrastructure and equipment, and will optimise the students' practical sessions.
The new facilities replace the chemistry teaching laboratories in the C5 odd tower, which will become teaching laboratories for the biosciences area.
The presentation of the new facilities was attended by the rector of the UAB, Javier Lafuente, accompanied by the dean of the Faculty of Sciences, Juan Jesús Donaire, the dean of the Faculty of Biosciences, Isidre Gibert, and the director of the Department of Chemistry, Lluís Escriche.
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