Resolution of extraordinary awards of the doctoral programme in Material Sciences (theses 2020-21)
The Academic Committee of the PDCM establishes the following criteria for proposing extraordinary doctoral awards relating to the academic year 2019-2020 (1-oct 2020 - 30 Sept. 2021). They are as follows:

The Doctoral Commission, meeting on 20 June 2023, has awarded the extraordinary prize for theses of the PhD programme in Materials Science defended during the academic year 2020-21, to the following doctors:
- Eiler, Konrad
- Güell I Grau, Pau
- Molet Bachs, Pau
- Rodríguez Martínez, Xabier
- Zapata Arteaga, Osnat
- Zhang, Ting
You can consult the list of prize-winners at the following link:
- Original articles in scientific journals: These will be scored taking into account the JCR-SCIE impact index values of the journal. Each contribution will score 2 times the impact index. The scores of the applicants' contributions will be divided by N, where N is the position of the applicant in the list of authors. In the event that this is in alphabetical order, the thesis supervisor will have to specify the degree of participation of the candidate. In the event that there are two or more first co-authors with an asterisk, even if the applicant is not in the first position, it will still be counted as the first position. Finally, in the event that the applicant is listed as corresponding author, 1 more point (without dividing by N) will be added to the previous calculation.
- Patents: A distinction shall be made between working patents (40 points) and non-working patents (4 points).
- Communications to congresses: A distinction will be made between oral communications (6 points), flash (3 points) and posters (1 point).
- Other contributions: international mention, book chapters, scientific dissemination, etc... scientific dissemination, etc... These will be scored at the discretion of the selection board up to a maximum of 10 points.
Composition of the court:
The selection committee will be made up of three full members and two substitutes, all of whom must hold a doctorate with accredited research experience:
President: Dr. Roger Bofill (Dept. of Chemistry, UAB)
Member: Dr. Marta González (Physics Dept., UAB)
Secretary: Dr. Gerard Tobias (ICMAB)
Substitute 1: Dr. Jordi Arbiol (ICN2)
Substitute 2: Dr. Eva Pellicer (Physics Dept., UAB)
Applications should be sent to by 21 April 2023.