
The main objective of plant biosafety is to protect the environment. Phytopathogens and weeds can have devastating effects on agriculture and biodiversity but possible effects on people and the surrounding community should not be ignored.
Biosafety in the plant world is applied in particular in the following two fields, which are not exclusive: pests and transgenic plants. Thus, we can find plant species:
- Toxic and poisonous.
- Parasitic.
- Exotic and/or invasive
- Infected or infested.
- Transgenic with genes from other plants, microorganisms, animals or humans.
Plant biocontainment
Transgenic plants can transmit new characteristics to other plants. Biocontainment focuses on preventing the spread of genetic material through the vegetative or reproductive organs (seeds, pollen, bulbs, rhizomes, etc.). In order to correctly select and use control measures in the field of plant biosafety you can consult Plant biosafety in research greenhouse. A Practical Guide to Containment. (2rd edition 2008).