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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institutional Biosafety Committee

Biological spill

Any facility where work is done on biohazardous materials (or that receives them) must have an emergency response plan and a biological spills kit. Also recommended are eyewash, washbasins that are not manually operated, with the necessary accessories (soap, nail brush, towel) and an emergency shower if large volumes of material are handled.

The "Guía d'actuació en cas de vessaments bioperillosos" describes a range of response procedures. These are organised according to the biosafety level of the facility where a biohazardous spillage is thought to have occurred. These procedures are of a general nature, however, and subject to changes as a result of particular risk assessments. For example, a spillage of an animal pathogen obviously does not require the same personal protective equipment as the spillage of a human pathogen. The specific response protocol depends on the agent being used, the quantities and the place where the spillage may have taken place.


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