Accident investigation
In general terms it can be said that serious accidents are rare but this is not the case with incidents. These incidents are not usually looked into, which has two negative consequences: the situation that originated them remains unchanged and the lack of safety is implicitly accepted.
The aim of accident and incident investigation is to prevent similar accidents and to obtain information on the circumstances and the persons who may have been exposed to the agent in question. Investigation favours the implementation of safety measures, increases awareness and participation on the part of personnel and allows the causes of incidents to be eradicated. It is also very important to report any unsafe situation that can be detected through a "Comunicat de risc", so that appropriate preventive measures can be implemented more quickly to control the risk.
Laboratory personnel who have had an accident or witnessed an incident are responsible for reporting this to the facility supervisor immediately. Supervisors and/or the accident victims themselves are to initiate the investigation process by filling in the form Comunicat d’accident o incident, (Biological accident report) and suggesting corrective measures (online investigation). In serious or potentially serious cases the investigation is conducted by the biosafety specialist, helped by the supervisor and the personnel involved.
Further information on action to be taken in cases of exposure is given in the section Emergencies.
Many incidents or accidents can cause infection, such as:
- Needle-jabs and cuts from contaminated objects or glass.
- Contaminated liquids spilling or splashing onto the skin or mucous membranes.
- Bites or scratches from animals or parasites.
- Ingesting contaminated liquids when mouth pipetting (though this practice is forbidden).
- Inhaling infectious bioaerosols.
- Centrifuge accidents.
- Accidental release of biological agents to the exterior.