PhD in History of Art and Musicology
The PhD programme in History of Art and Musicology is planned to consolidate academic studies that will take the student to get the title of PhD doctor, through the writing of a thesis.
During the composition of the thesis, the PhD candidates will demonstrate their skills in terms of research and analysis in the field of History of Art and Music.
In order to reach such goal, the Department mantains collaborations with other european universities, museums and musical institutions, motivated mostly by the participation of professors and researchers of these intitutions to the research groups of the programme. It happens frequently that the researchers that belong to such groups take part to our doctoral seminaries and that they contribute to the orientation and tutoring of the PhD candidates. Some of these institutions are: the Universities of Trier, Freiburg, the Mozarteum de Salzburg, the Saarlandes, Università degli Studi Roma-Tor Vergata, the Università Cattolica di Milano, the Autònoma de Mèxic, the Istituto per i Beni Musicali del Piemonte or the Conservatorio Statale di Musica "La Canepa".