Administration and Services Staff

Purificació Perona Robles
Interim Manager
Unitat Integrada de Suport Administratiu Departamental (UISAD) d'Art, Història i Musicologia
e-mail: | phone: +34 93 581 1126

Susanna Codolar Gil
Responsible Administrative
Unitat Integrada de Suport Administratiu Departamental (UISAD) d'Art, Història i Musicologia
e-mail: | phone: +34 93 581 1370

Laura Figueras Montes
Unitat Integrada de Suport Administratiu Departamental (UISAD) d'Art, Història i Musicologia
e-mail: | phone: +34 93 581 1126

Josep Ramon Llagostera Robles
Unitat Integrada de Suport Administratiu Departamental (UISAD) d'Art, Història i Musicologia
e-mail: | phone: +34 93 581 4949

Maria Montserrat Moreno Garriga
Unitat Integrada de Suport Administratiu Departamental (UISAD) d'Art, Història i Musicologia
e-mail: | phone: +34 93 581 1370
Personal docent i investigador

Heri Abruña Martí
Part-time Lecturer
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/139, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 586 84 70| e-mail:

Paula Aguilera Martínez
Pre-doctoral researcher FPI
Area: Music, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: b7/167, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 935868468 | e-mail:

Jaume Ayats Abeyà
Associate Professor (AGR)
Area: Music, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7/167, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 586 8468| e-mail:

Bonaventura Bassegoda Hugàs
Full Professor (CU)
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/129, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 581 16 33| e-mail:

Ricard Bru Turull
Part-time Lecturer
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/133, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 581 16 82| e-mail:, EGRETA, ResearchGate, URL, Twitter, Instagram

María Cáceres Piñuel
Researcher of María Zambrano programme
Area: Music, Departament of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/175, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 935 868 471 | e-mail:

Marià Carbonell Buades
Full Professor (CU)
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/123, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 581 16 33| e-mail:

Eduardo Carrero Santamaría
Associate Professor (TU)
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/125, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 581 14 50 | e-mail:
ORCID, EGRETA,, ResearchGate

Oriol Carulla Peña
Part-time Lecturer
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7/171, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 586 84 60 | e- mail:

Manuel Antonio Castiñeiras González
Full Professor (CC)
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office:B7b/145.1, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 581 14 50 | e-mail:
ORCID, EGRETA,, ResearchGate, Resarch Project

Francesc Xavier Chavarría Talarn
Part-time Lecturer
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/111, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 586 84 71 | e-mail:

Montserrat Claveria Nadal
Full Professor (CU)
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/119, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 581 16 05 | e-mail:
ORCID, EGRETA, Grup de recerca, URL

Rafael Cornudella Carré
Associate Professor (TU)
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/129, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone:93 581 216 33 | e-mail:

Maria Incoronata Colantuono
Part-time Lecturer
Area: Music, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/131, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 851 38 16| e-mail:

Francesc Cortés Mir
Full Professor (CU)
Area: Music, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/121, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone 93 581 26 19 | e-mail:

Laia Cutrina Gallart
Pre-doctoral researcher FI
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/145, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone 93 581 26 19 | e-mail:
ORCID, EGRETA,, Grup de recerca

Xavier Daufí Rodergas
Assistant Professor
Area: Music, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/127, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone 93 581 25 14 | e-mail:

Publio Pablo Delgado Fernández de Heredia
Part-time Lecturer
Area: Music, Department of Art and Musicology
Office:B7b/143, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone 93 851 25 11 | e-mail:

Joan Duran Porta
Part-time Lecturer
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office:B7b/137, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone 93 581 25 14 | e-mail:

Sol Enjuanes Puyol
Part-time Lecturer
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/133, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone 93 581 16 82 | e-mail:

Núria Fernández Rius
Part-time Lecturer
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/111, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone 93 581 13 70 | e-mail:

Germán Gan Quesada
Associate Professor (TU)
Area: Music, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/127, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone 93 581 25 14 | e-mail:
ORCID, EGRETA,, ResearchGate

Saray García Martínez
Pre-doctoral Researcher FI
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/119, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone; 93 851 16 05 | mail:

Maria Garganté Llanes
Associate Professor (TU)
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/123, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone; 93 581 38 16 | e-mail:

Josep Maria Gregori Cifré
Full Professor (CU)
Area: Music, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/131, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone; 93 581 38 16 | e-mail:

David Gutiérrez Torres
Part-time Lecturer
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/113, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone; 93 581 32 89 | e-mail:

Gabrielle Kaufman
Part-time Lecturer
Area: Music, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/141, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 851 25 11| e-mail:

Tess Knighton
ICREA Researcher
Area: Music, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/101, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 851 25 11 | e-mail:

Núria Llorens Moreno
Associate Professor (AGR)
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/135, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone:93 581 16 82 | e-mail:

Lidia López Gómez
Assistant Professor
Area: Music, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/175, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 586 84 71 | e-mail:

Sílvia Martínez García
Associate Professor (TU)
Area: Music, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7/167, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 581 2001 | mail:

Anna Orriols Alsina
Associate Professor (TU)
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/137, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 581 25 14 | e-mail:

José Miguel Pérez Aparicio
Pre-doctoral Researcher FPU
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/121, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: - | e-mail:
EGRETA,, ResearchGate

Elena Ramazza
Pre-doctoral Researcher FI
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/145, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 581 13 70 | e-mail:
ORCID, EGRETA,, Linkedin

Víctor Ramírez Tur
Part-time Lecturer
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/139, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 586 84 70 | e-mail:

Núria Ribas Valls
Part-time Lecturer
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/139, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 586 84 70| e-mail:

Daniel Rico Camps
Associate Professor (TU)
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/171, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 586 84 70| e-mail:

Jordi Rifé Santaló
Associate Professor (AGR)
Area: Music, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/127, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 581 25 14| e-mail:

Jorge Rodríguez Ariza
Part-time lecturer
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/145.1, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 581 14 50 | e-mail:

Jordi Roquer González
Part-time Lecturer
Area: Music, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7/167, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 581 2001 | e-mail:

Francesc-Josep de Rueda Roigé
Associate Professor (AGR)
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office: B7b/147, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 581 25 12 | e-mail:

Carles Sánchez Márquez
Part-time Lecturer
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office:B7b/125, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 581 14 50 | e-mail:
ORCID, EGRETA, Grup de recerca

Silvia Segura García
Pre-doctoral Researcher FPU
Area: Music, Department of Art and Musicology
Office:B7/175, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 586 84 71 | e-mail:

Jaime Vidal Oliveras
Associate Professor (TU)
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office:B7b/169, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 586 8469 | e-mail:

Annabel Villalonga Gordaliza
Part-time Lecturer
Area: History of Art, Department of Art and Musicology
Office:B7b/119, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Phone: 93 581 16 05 | e-mail: