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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Department of Applied Economics

Convocatoria Lector SH 2023 (UAB-LE-232-006)

06 Oct 2023
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The Department of Applied Economics announces the call for one Full-time Serra Hunter Tenure-eligible Lecturer Position


The Department of Applied Economics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) announces the opening of the call for one full time Serra Hunter tenure-eligible lecturer position, involving both research and teaching, starting in Fall 2024.

The selected candidate is expected to be able to teach both in the undergraduate and postgraduate programs, supervise postgraduate research, develop independent research programmes achieving international recognition, actively participate in the Department’s seminar series and become a member of the national and international research networks the Department belongs to. Teaching could be either in Catalan, English or Spanish.

The main teaching areas of the Department are Principles of Economics, International Economics, Public Sector Economics, Econometrics, Economic Policy, Labour Economics, and Spanish Economy. The annual effective teaching time is (about) 150 hours per year, divided in two semesters. The gross annual salary of a “Lector” in 2023 is 36,296€, which can be increased by means of different research-recognition programmes.

This position is part of the Serra Hunter Programme 2nd call for applications 2023, under the code UAB-LE-232-006.

Link to the official call
