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Exhibition "Masked Rituals in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea: A Gender Perspective"
We invite you to visit the exhibition "Masked Rituals in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea: a gender perspective", organized by Isabelle Boiteau, PhD student in the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology.
Opening of the exhibition "Legacy and Struggle: 50 years of the UAB"
The inauguration took place last Thursday, February 8. The exhibition was produced by the students of the "Advanced Anthropological Theories and Research Seminar" under the supervision of Professor Isabel Graupera.
Cinefòrum "La Reparación" - Anthropological Analysis of the Contemporary World
Within the framework of the subject "Anthropological Analysis of the Contemporary World" and the project "SexAFIN, sexualities and childhood" of the research group A.F.I.N., we want to invite teachers and students to the screening of the film "The Repair" (Argentina, 2022), directed by Alejandra Perdomo. It is a documentary about sexual abuse in childhood and adolescence, made from the testimonies of survivors.
Call to texts for the new Periphery number
We are pleased to remind you that "Periphery. Journal of Research and training in Anthropology" we receive articles throughout the year, and, for the next issue of June 2024, we will take into account all the texts that reach us before March 5, 2024 that comply with the rules of the journal and are sent through the platform:
A new exhibition of posters on the subject of Antropologia del Pobles d'Espanya
The students of the Antropologia dels Pobles d'Espanya subject of the 2023-24 academic year exhibit their posters in the Tarot del Quinze Room of the Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres and on the Instagram of the subject @antro_pobleesp
Research Conference. The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology invites you to a "Research Day"
The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology invites you to a "Research Day", with the presentation of our Research Groups, their lines of research and projects.
We inform you of the publication of the last issue of Perifèria. Journal of Research and Training in Anthropology
Perifperia. Journal of Research and Training in Anthropology
Vol. 28 núm. 2 (2023)
Defence of Thesis Gustavo Adolfo Indurain Mathieu
"Esquizofrenia y parentesco entre los chinantecos de San Felipe Usila, Oaxaca, México. La incidencia del padecimiento mental en la vida familiar y el cuidado de los enfermos"
Teresa San Román's book, Los muros de la separación, opens the new collection "Etnografia i Antropologia"
The first book of the new "Etnografia i Antropologia" collection of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, UAB, has been published: Teresa San Román, Los muros de la separación. Ensayo sobre alterofobia y filantropía (Servei de Publicacions de la UAB, 2023)
"Ètica, recerca i gènere: aplicant la perspectiva feminista", talk by Mariah Oliver, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology invites you to the talk:“Ètica, recerca i gènere: aplicant la perspectiva feminista”, talk by Mariah Oliver, Universitat Pompeu Fabra