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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Department of Animal Health and Anatomy


The Department of Animal Health and Anatomy is organized under the direction of a governing team, made up of a director and a secretary, as well as various commissions and coordination that ensure its proper functioning.

Governing bodies of the Department:

  • The Department Council
  • The Executive Committee
  • The Management team

The Management team:

Director: Laila Darwich Soliva
Secretary: Ana Carretero Romay 
Vocal: Martí Cortey Marques

Coordination and managers:   

Coordinator of the Animal Health Departmental Unit: Gemma Castellà Gómez
Coordinator of the Animal Anatomy Departmental Unit: Víctor Nacher Garcia

Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Animal Health and Medicine (PDMSA): Marti Cortey Marques

Coordinator of the University Master's in Zoonosis and One Health (MUZOH): Laila Darwich Soliva

Coordinator Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree in Infectious Diseases and One Health (IDOH+): Joaquim Segalès Coma

Coordinator Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree in Human Diseases Models Morphological Phenotyping (MorphoPHEN): Jesús Ruberte Paris