Better Cost Action Project
Coordinated by researchers from the Animal Health and Anatomy Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, will perform an assessment of existing methods used to evaluate biosecurity.

BETTER COST Action, coordinated by researchers from the Animal Health and Anatomy Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, will perform an assessment of existing methods used to evaluate biosecurity. Exploiting these tools will promote the development of tailored options in farms based on the evaluation of their risks, on the feasibility of selected biosecurity measures and on their economic benefits. Moreover, the Action will identify training needs through the evaluation of existing training materials and will develop new courses, increasing therefore the number of trained professionals. Finally, the Action will recommend priority research areas for future biosecurity improvement in animal production systems. Launched in October 2021, the network involves a multidisciplinary team of economists, epidemiologists, evidence synthesis experts, infectious diseases and animal production experts, sociologists, psychologists, and communication experts, among others, encompassing the expertise needed to solve the identified challenges. At present, BETTER has 350 participants from 44 different countries.
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