Olga Noemí Ayala
"...During the Ph.D. period I realized that science doesn't have limits, we always have opportunities to innovate and improve techniques..."

Olga Noemí Ayala
Why did you decide to do a PhD project in our Department?
When I was finishing my master degree the open research lines came to my attention, because I was always keen to know more about cutting edge food processing techniques. After my master, I had the opportunity to continue working as a Ph.D. student and I took it. The project in which I was working on focused on new and innovative technologies.
What are your future career goals?
During the Ph.D. period, I realized that science doesn't have limits, we always have opportunities to innovate and improve techniques. I loved the period in which I was collaborating with the development of new technologies. I thing that after being a student, I feel capable and prepared to contribute with my knowledge in a wide variety of food science projects.
What is your advice to potential students?
Choose the research line that interests you the most, so you will enjoy the hard work. Sometimes you can have difficulties and doubts, and if you love what you do you will always find the right path to follow. I assure that you will learn a lot and at the end is deeply gratifying.