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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Department of Animal and Food Science

Our colleague Sergio leaves us

06 Sep 2023
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Sergio Calsamiglia Blancafort, professor in the Department of Animal Science and Food, has left us. The UAB sends its deepest condolences to the family and friends and to all the people who knew and appreciated him, and shares the feeling for his loss.

Sergio Calsamiglia

Casalmiglia graduated in veterinary medicine at the UAB and followed his master's and doctorate studies at the University of Minnesota, in the United States. He was a member of the Animal Nutrition and Welfare Service (SNiBA) of the UAB and his specialty was the nutrition and management of dairy cattle.

Specifically, he was engaged in nutrition research focused on ruminal microbial fermentation and its modulation, and feed additives, and management research focused on the development of dairy farm mathematics to assist in the process of decision making in dairy farm management.

"I'm always impressed by everyday things. One day I come home and I'm surprised by the sunset. And the sun sets every day. And waking up in the morning to the pinks and reds of the sunrise. And the sun rises every day. Or the moon rises. This morning, when I came back from walking the dog, I was stunned by the explosion of "prunus" flowers in the garden. And I see it every day.

How many things do we let pass in front of us without taking advantage of the opportunity to feel the emotion that every moment gives us. And there are moments in life when, forced to walk more slowly, you discover many things that are as exciting as they are everyday. Let's enjoy them!"

Sergio Calsamiglia

Written in WhatsApp family chat

March 20, 2023
