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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Department of Animal and Food Science

Master and Postgraduate programmes

Master's Degrees

Quality of Food of Animal Origin
The master's degree in Quality of Food of Animal Origin collects and provides global content on control, evaluation and improvement of food quality and safety, but limiting itself to food of animal origin and combining in an original way a comprehensive approach that contemplates actions from farm to consumer, the use of transversal tools and emerging techniques/methodologies that allow to improve quality along the entire food production chain, as well as to innovate and develop new products and processes as continuous source of quality improvement.

Food Safety
The master's degree responds to the growing interest in food safety in today's society from of all the agents involved: consumers, agri-food companies and Administration. Food safety is a legal requirement and the impact on the population of lack of safety is very important, so its mission is to provide a transversal and broad vision of the different areas of Food Safety in the agri-food environment, complemented by the vertical and more specific vision within the different sectors and levels of food production and marketing.

Animal Genetic Improvement and Reproduction Biotechnology
The program provides a solid training in these indispensable core subjects on which animal genetic improvement is supported and provides experience through critical review of current reproductive biotechnology and breeding programs carried out in different species, discussions with industry professionals and visits to public and private institutions involved in improvement programs.

The master's degree in Aquaculture is mainly aimed at current graduates, diploma holders or technical engineers who want to have an adequate training in aquaculture. It aims to train professionals in the aquaculture sector with a high scientific level, a mastery of multidisciplinary techniques and management responsibilities.

Cytogenetics and Reproductive Biology (UAB) 

Erasmus Mundus in Infectious Diseases and One Health (Université de Tours-UAB-Hannover Medical School) 

Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Health Management in Aquaculture (UAB- Wageningen University-Ghent University- The Norweigan University of Science and Technology) 

Industrial Chemistry and Introduction to Chemical Research (UAB) 

Public Health (UPF-UAB) 

Zoonoses and One Health (One Health) (UAB) 

UAB Master's Degrees and Graduate Diplomas (Continuind Education)

Clinical Ethology

Master's degree pioneer in the field of ethology in company animals, endorsed by the UAB and which is 100% online. The objective of the master's degree is for students to obtain the necessary knowledge to be able to assess any aspect related to the behavior of the company's animals, thereby resolving the main behavioral problems. We focus especially on gos and cats, but also provide advice for getting started in the clinical ethology of exotic animals (ocells, small mammals and reptiles) and equids. Furthermore, we are convinced that to achieve these objectives we need two basic tips:

* Offer the student a great name of practical hours to help apply the knowledge acquired during the theoretical hours of the Master's.
* Consolidate the clinical application in the most basic foundations of ethology (ontogènia of behavior, physiology of behavior, etc.). Each clinical case is particular, and the student has to deal with all the variety of behavioral alterations that are encountered in the daily clinic. 

To qualify for pre-registration it is essential to send your resume to the coordination (marta.amat@uab.cat).

Animal Welfare

The master's degree in Animal Welfare allows you to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to evaluate, protect and promote the well-being of farm, company and rescue animals. The master's degree focuses on the scientific foundations of animal welfare, but also explores ethical and social aspects. The program will allow the student to continue to be able to evaluate animal welfare, propose preventive measures and identify and resolve the main animal welfare problems of the different centers that keep animals in stables (granges, shelters, zoos, etc.) or in freedom. The master's degree lasts a total of 9 months and includes a first in-person stage with classes, visits and practices (3 months) and a second distance stage for the completion of tasks, cases, and the Master's Degree Work (6 months).