Jinfang Liu
"...I had the chance to do some original research on my Masters and that inspired me to take up the challenge of a PhD. After I read the project proposal, this PhD met my research interests..."

Jinfang Liu
Why did you decide to do a PhD project in our Department?
Why did you decide to do a PhD project in our Department? I have always been interested in discovering wider benefit of food science, especially dairy science. I had the chance to do some original research on my Masters and that inspired me to take up the challenge of a PhD. After I read the project proposal, this PhD met my research interests.
What are your future career goals?
I feel my PhD project built up a solid foundation for further study in this field as a foundation for a research career. I want to be a faculty member, but I keep other options open.
What is your advice to potential students?
Before starting a PhD, I think the candidates need to have a clear idea about what they pursue in the PhD and a firm determination to overcome the difficulties they may encounter.