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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Department of Animal and Food Science

Government and representatives

Maria Dolors Izquierdo Tugas
Office: V0-322
Telf.: 93 581 1495
A/e: dolors.izquierdo@uab.cat

Vice director
Bibiana Juan Godoy
Office: V0-232
Telf.: 93 581 1447
A/e: bibiana.juan@uab.cat

Susana M. Martín Orue
Despatx: V0-315
Telf.: 93 581 1504
A/e: susana.martin@uab.cat

Coordinator of the Departmental Unit of Animal Science
Joaquim Casellas Vidal
Despatx: V0-208 Int.
Telf.: 93 581 4225
A/e: joaquim.casellas@uab.cat

Coordinator of the Departmental Unit of Food Science
Jordi Saldo Periago
Despatx: V0-242
Telf.: 93 581 4731
A/e: jordi.saldo@uab.cat