Director's Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Mª Dolors Izquierdo Tugas
Professor in the area of Animal Production (2008).
Head of the Department of Animal and Food Sciencie.
Short CV
Academic Education
- Degree in Veterinary Medicine. UAB. 1992
- Master's Degree in Animal Production. UAB. 1996
- PhD in Veterinary Medicine. UAB. 1997
- Subjects:
- Animal Production and Handling (Veterinary Degree).
- Ethnology and Ethology (Bachelor's Degree in Veterinary Medicine)
- Animal Production I (Veterinary Degree)
- Embryonic biotechnology applied to livestock (Veterinary Degree)
- Livestock Production and Ecological Agriculture (Veterinary Degree)
- Production of Raw Materials (Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and Technology)
- Organic Food Production (Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and Technology)
- Master's Degree in Food Quality of Animal Origin.
- Doctoral Programme in Animal Production.
- Member of the Teaching Innovation Group of the Veterinary Faculty Medicine and participation in teaching innovation projects on transversal competencies in degrees and their assessment, the Service-Learning (SL) methodology and the use of Artificial Intelligence in teaching.
- Expert in in vitro production of embryos in ruminants. Participation, together with Dr. Mogas and Dr. Morató, in obtaining the first calf produced in vitro in Catalonia (2008).
- Member of the consolidated research group (SGR) "Reproductive Biotechnology in Livestock Species (BRER)" (2009SGR0621, 2014SGR0547), "Animal Reproduction Biotechnology" (2017SGR1229) and "Mammalian Reproductive Biotechnology" (BioRep) (2021SGR00900)
- He has published more than 50 international papers, several book chapters and supervised 6 doctoral theses. ORCID: 0000-0002-1954-2868
- He has participated in numerous competitive research projects of the National Plan, in 3 as principal investigator, and in the thematic network of excellence "In vitro production of embryos of animals of veterinary interest" (07/2017 – 06/2019)
Selection of Recent Posts
- Effect of BMP15 and GDF9 in the IVM medium on subsequent oocyte competence and embryo development of prepubertal goats (2025). Theriogenology 234:164-173.
- Effect of biphasic in vitro maturation (CAPA-IVM) on EGF receptor and embryo development of prepubertal goat oocytes according to follicle size. Animal Biotechnology 35 (1) (2024): 2422316.
- Impact of semen cryopreservation season on in vitro embryo production of prepubertal goat oocytes. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 59(3) (2024): e14594.
- Oocyte Competence of Prepubertal Sheep and Goat Oocytes: An Assessment of Large-Scale Chromatin Configuration and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Expression in Oocytes and Cumulus Cells (2024). International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25: 4474.
- Fatty Acids and Metabolomic Composition of Follicular Fluid Collected from Environments Associated with Good and Poor Oocyte Competence in Goats. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23(8), 4141;
- Effect of follicle size on hormonal status of follicular fluid, oocyte ATP content, and in vitro embryo production in prepubertal sheep. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 2021, 75, 106582;
- Effect of crocetin added to IVM medium for prepubertal goat oocytes on blastocyst outcomes after IVF, intracytoplasmic sperm injection and parthenogenetic activation. Theriogenology, 2020, 155, 70-75.
- Effect of vitrification of in vitro matured prepubertal goat oocytes on embryo development after parthenogenic activation and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (2020). Cryobiology 93:56-61.
- Reproductive technologies in goats (Chapter 4). In: Reproductive tecnologies in Animals. 2020. Academic Press. ISBN 9780128171073
- Small Ruminants: Prepubertal Oocyte Donors. In: Herrick J (ed) Comparative Embryo Culture. Methods in Molecular Biology (MIMB, volume 2006). (2019) pp 155-163. Humana, New York, NY. ISBN: 978-1-4939-9565-3
- Activin-A receptor expression patterns in prepubertal goat oocytes and derived embryos. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2019, 54, 804-807.
University Management
- Coordinator of the Veterinary Degree and President of its Academic Monitoring and Quality Committee (CSAQ) (2011 - 2014)
- Coordinator of the departmental unit of Animal Science and of the PhD studies in Animal Production and president of its academic committee (2016 - 2020). Member of the PhD studies Committee of the UAB (2017 –2020)
- Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs and Quality of Veterinary Faculty (2020 –2023)
- Veterinary Faculty Equality Policy Representative (1/2020 – 1/2023)
- Member of the Teaching and Research Staff Protection Committee (PDI) of the UAB as a representative of contracted teaching staff (2018 – 2021)
- Participation in the evaluation committees:
- UAB Teaching Innovation Projects 2021 and 2022
- TFG Awards for Sustainable Development and Global Justice (courses 19/20, 20/21 and 21/22) and TFG on gender (19/20 and 20/21)
- Head of the Department of Animal and Food Science since January 2023.
- Member of the CSAQ of the studies of Veterinary Medicine and Food Science and Technology, of the Faculty Board, and of the Senate of the university for several periods.