Alberto Viñado
"...There are many PhD students working in diverse and interesting research lines, and professors and advisors are constantly willing you to learn..."

Alberto Viñado
Why did you decide to do a PhD project in our Department?
During my stage as a veterinary student, I realized that I wanted to work as a researcher, especially in animal sciences field. I have been always interested in SNiBA research lines, especially those related with animal nutrition and production, digestive physiology and gastrointestinal health, and I appreciate the chance to work directly for private companies. After getting my bachelor’s degree, I applied a predoctoral position to manage an experimental project for an important agricultural and livestock company, and at the same time, have the opportunity to publish my experimental results and train me as a researcher. ¿ What are your future career goals? As a veterinary, I would like to work as a researcher in an important research center, or being part of the R+D department of a livestock, food or pharmaceutical company. My objective is to lead experimental projects, and play an important role in companies in order them to increase their profits and at the same time, give the chance to society for benefit from these improvements too.
What is your advice to potential students?
SNiBA is among the top centers in animal research which you can become involved. There are many PhD students working in diverse and interesting research lines, and professors and advisors are constantly willing you to learn and improve as a future researcher. PhD is a hard journey, with a lot of difficulties and sacrifices, but at the end of the way you will see that the effort completely worth it and you will acquired valuable skills as resolving ability and selfmanagement in front of challenges.