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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departament de Sociologia

Seminari Geps a càrrec de Meg Maguire

06 nov. 2023
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The best days of their lives? Youngpeoples’ in-school experiencesand the part they play in shapingpost-16 ‘horizons for action’


This paper explores the affectual accountsof one cohort of young people’s time inschool - those who have decided to leave atsixteen to continue their education andtraining elsewhere and who are currentlynot intending to apply to university. Wediscuss how these experiences may haveimpacted their learner identities and their‘horizons for action’; that is, how theyunderstand themselves as learners andtherefore, what pathways they see as moresuitable for people like themselves. Incases like this, perhaps school becomes asource of problems rather than a solution,with potentially significant implications forhow young people perceive and navigatetheir post-16 transition options.

November 17


Seminari A - Facultat deSociologia, UAB

Registration: https://rb.gy/bmxci

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