Seminar Emil Uduwalage
ONLINE at 11.30h
Emil Uduwalage (Wayamba University of Sri Lanka) will present his paper “CEO social power, board inclusiveness, and corporate performance after ethnic conflicts”, joint work with Kamil Nazliben and Luc Renneboog (Tilburg University).
The invited speaker is interested in a tenure-track job in the department (Area: Management).
We investigate the impact of CEO power on corporate performance in Sri Lanka, characterized by demarcated ethno-linguistic and religious boundaries and devastating ethnic conflicts with subsequent reconciliation. We focus on a CEO’s social-dominance power, based on ethnicity, gender, and political connections. Social-dominance power (lack of ethno-religious-linguistic and gender diversity) augments agency conflicts and worsens corporate performance and financial stability in the post-civil-war era. Board inclusiveness (representing different ethnicities, religions, languages, and gender) at the top decision and monitoring levels of corporations positively affects performance.
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