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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departament d'Empresa

Seminari Ane Ripoll-Zarraga

08 març 2023
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In Seminar Room E2 at 15:00h 


Ane Ripoll-Zarraga (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) will present her paper “The implication of Board's independence, size, and gender inequality on Airports’ Efficiency", joint work with Sonia Huderek-Glapskab (Department of Microeconomics, Poznan University of Economics and Business (PUEB)) and Anna Chwi¿kowska-Kubalac (Department of Organisation and Management Theory, Poznan University of Economics and Business (PUEB)). Please find the abstract below and the manuscript attached. As it is still in the edition process of a book that will be published soon, the document should only be distributed internally in the Department of Business at UAB. 


Adequate management, supervision and control are essential for effective airport operations decisions. The Board Structure (internal mechanism of corporate governance) embeds a monitor system (one or two-tier system) for decision-making processes according to the airports' needs and shareholders' best interests. However, other factors could implicitly enhance endogamy. Previous studies have demonstrated a positive relationship between board size, gender and reporting quality. There are no implications of the Board composition features on aviation efficiency. We apply Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to estimate 41 airports' efficiency in 2019. We use a second-stage truncated regression to explain efficiency per the Boards' features (independence, size and gender equality) and accounting, financing and companies characteristics. The results show that gender equality at the Board level and the Board size improves airports' efficiency significantly. However, a second-tier system, i.e., having executive (internal) and non-executive members (external) do not assure making the appropriate managerial decisions, thus reducing airports' efficiency.

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