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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departament d'Empresa

Seminari Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent

08 feb. 2023
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In Seminar Room E2 at 15:00h 


Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) will present her paper Academic engagement and the effect of team experience and diversity on research performance: An exploratory approach, joint work with Inés Alegre (Pan-American University) and Victor Martin-Sanchez (University of Southern Denmark). 


Within the context of academic engagement this study focuses on a policy instrument that has been widely overlooked in the literature despite the large investment it embraces: European Union funded research projects, which purpose is to facilitate collaboration and provide an umbrella for supporting and strengthening the creation and dissemination of excellent knowledge and cutting-edge technologies that are expected to boost economic growth and social development while tackling global challenges. In this study we unpack the effect of team experience and diversity on the research performance of the consortia (groups of organisations) that were successfully granted in the FP7 and H2020 funding schemes. To capture the effect of learning, we restricted our analysis to those consortia that have worked together in more than one occasion. Using data from the CORDIS our results reveal that besides the money granted, there are several team characteristics and environmental factors that enhance team performance.

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