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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departament d'Economia Aplicada

Departmental Seminari - "Teen childbearing in Latin America: the mother-daughter link"

22 feb. 2022
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El proper 22 de maig, a les 15.00 h, es durà a terme la presentació del treball de recerca de Matilde Pinto amb Ricardo Mora (UC3M) i K.Olivo, que ha tingut com a objectiu per avançar cap a una economia verda. La final es podrà seguir pel canal de Youtube del Parc de Recerca UAB, amb inscripció prèvia.

IMG_Departament Economia Aplicada

Ponent: Matilde Pinto Machado


Títol: "Teen childbearing in Latin America: the mother-daughter link" (with Ricardo Mora (UC3M), K.Olivo)

  • Dia i Hora: 3 de març de 2022
  • Hora: 15:00 hores
  • Seminari in Streaming


Using DHS data for six countries in Latin America and the Caribbean region, we                estimate the relation between a mother’s teenage childbearing and that of her
daughter’s. Our results show that restricting the estimating sample to motherdaughter
matches in the data leads to large negative selection bias in the estimated
effect because missing matches are non-random and affected by the teen childbearing
status of mothers and daughters. We deal with this selection bias by developing
a methodology that uses all available data, including incomplete mother-daughter
pairs, and allows missing observations to be endogenous. Our preferred specification
shows that being the daughter of a teen mother increases the chances of being a
teen mother between 7.4 and 22.2 percentage points (between 42% and 138%). In
general, it is also associated with other negative outcomes such as lower educational
achievement, acceptance of risky sexual behavior and submissive gender roles in
sexual relationships.


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