Bachelor's degrees We offer more than 80 bachelor's degrees


List of bachelor's degrees belonging to the sciences
Degree Pre-enrolment code Places Teaching centre
Applied Statistics 21128 40 Faculty of Science
Applied Statistics + Sociology 21129 20 Faculty of Political Science and Sociology
Faculty of Science
Chemistry 21082 120 Faculty of Science
Computational Mathematics and Data Analytics 21122 40 Faculty of Science
Environmental Science 21147 60 Faculty of Science
Environmental Science + Geology 21151 30 Faculty of Science
Geology 21037 40 Faculty of Science
Mathematics 21003 60 Faculty of Science
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 21150 65 Faculty of Science
Physics 21001 70 Faculty of Science
Physics + Chemistry 21100 20 Faculty of Science
Physics + Mathematics 21005 20 Faculty of Science
Sciences - UAB/UAM/UC3M 21131 45 (15 at the UAB, 15 at the UAM and 15 at the UC3M) Faculty of Biosciences
Faculty of Science