Minor in Human Evolution and Paleontology
Human palaeontology has generated a growing interest in several areas of knowledge, it is object of multi-disciplinary research projects and is increasingly present in several areas of life. The interest produced with each new discovery, each new interpretation of our origins as a species, is the subject of public discussion and social debates. The additional training obtained with a minor in human palaentology can offer useful complementary training to professional profiles in fields such as education or communication, as well as other similarly related fields.
The objective of the minor is to provide students with basic training in human palaeontology. This discipline is not part of any state-regulated education, although it is a highly attractive field for students in geology, archaeology and biosciences interested in specialising in human evolution. It represents an added value to any education, given the almost non-existence of these types of studies in Catalonia.
Student profile
The minor is addressed to students of any bachelor's degree offered at the UAB, especially those from the areas of the humanities, sciences and biosciences, interested in complementing their training with a set of subjects focused on different sectors of human palaeontology. Of the minor's set of elective credits, students may not enrol in those which form part of the basic training or compulsory subjects included in their bachelor's degree.Timetable
Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology