We explain the functioning of the UAB Coexistence Commission

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If you want to know what the UAB Coexistence Commission is and what it consists of, we will explain it to you in a simple and schematic way:


What is the Coexistence Commission?

  • Objective? Resolve conflicts of coexistence between members of the university community.
  • What does it want? Promote mediation mechanisms to try to respond to conflicts generated by violation of the rules of coexistence.
  • Who are we? 3 teaching and research staff + 3 PTGAS + 3 students


What conflicts are mediable?

  • Conflicts of coexistence that affect members of the university community and that violate the Rules of Coexistence (approved by the Governing Council 16/3/2023).
  • Examples: disputes between members of the community, social relations that become a source of confrontation.


Who can ask for mediation?

  • Any member of the university community
  • However, it must be remembered that it will not be possible to mediate in situations of violence that the current legislation establishes at any given time.


How to do it and any doubts? Via the Commission's mail: comissio.convivencia@uab.cat