The first conference on prevention, security and global law will be held

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On April 10th, the first conference on prevention, security and global law will be held in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Law.


The Manuel Ballbé Chair has promoted the 1st CONFERENCE ON PREVENTION, SECURITY AND GLOBAL LAW to be held at the Faculty of Law of the UAB on April 10 and will feature leading experts in the different areas of security from a comprehensive and integrative vision. Classic disciplines such as law, criminology, psychology, psychiatry and forensic medicine will be combined with an academic and professional objective of advancing towards a safer society that applies the best technology, but with more humanity. The great risks that threaten us are global and transversal and the university community joins in this conference to bring them to the surface and become aware of all of them, since only in this way will it be possible to create the necessary strategies to reduce them. The directors of the event, Dr. Bernat-N Tiffon (UAO-ESERP) and Dr. Miquel Àngel Serrat (UAB), have made it possible for it to be held at the UAB, attracting other leading institutions to offer knowledge and innovation and continue to be leaders in the field of comprehensive security and prevention.

Registration is free of charge and can be done through the following forms link.

To see the structure of the event, click on the link.