Criminology degree's cohesion day

Dues estudiants xerrant

On 2 May, a cohesion conference for the degree in Criminology will be held. The objective of the event is to promote the union between students who finish the degree, students and teachers. As well as sharing experiences of professional insertion of criminology alumni and preparing students to be part of the criminology alumni network in the future.



  • 11:00: Reception of the alumni who participate in the career opportunities session. Breakfast.
  • 12:00: Presentation of the Conference by Josep Cid, Coordinator of the Degree in Criminology.
  • 12:15: Experiences of Professional Insertion with Virginia Avila, Marina Belis, Judit Cobos, Marta López, Andrea Mancera, and María Muñoz.
  • 13:45: Presentation of the UAB Criminology alumni network by Anna Meléndez, Coordinator of the Criminology Alumni Network.
  • 14:00: Picnic on campus with students and teachers.
  • 16:00: Criminological gymkhana around the campus, organized by Esther De la Encarnación, Albert Pedrosa, Ainoa Torrado, Judit Xufré and Laura Zurera.