International Projects Office

Informative sessions held

Here you will find information and documentation of the sessions organized by the International Projects Office.

Conference on the upcoming calls for Cluster 2 (Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society), aimed at UAB research staff. The different calls for this program opened last October 4 and the deadline for applications is next February 7, 2024.

The session was attended by the National Contact Point of this cluster, who will also evaluate project ideas for those interested in coordinating a project.

Full program

The UAB co-organizes the 2022 Reading Day Barcelona with the FECYT. This is an initiative where applicants for European Research Council grants will have the opportunity to read proposals that have been funded in any of the previous calls. In order to participate, the reader must meet the following conditions:

  • Be eligible for the next WP2023 calls.
  • Be familiar with the ERC WP2023 call.
  • You can participate in a single Reading Day and read up to two proposals.
  • It will have to be research staff.

The conference was on June 8 at the Convalescence House (C/ Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 171 · Barcelona). 

Check out the program

The conference is aimed at PDI and PAS who work on the preparation of international proposals in the field of social sciences and humanities.

Download the program


On July 7, the OPI organized the Internal Information Session on Horizon Europe cluster 3: Civil security of societies.



Sessió informativa nou programa Erasmus +

This session, aimed at the entire UAB community, had the dual objective of making a general presentation of the Erasmus+ program for the public who did not know the program and, at the same time, for people who did know it, offering a summary of the key points for the next call.

In the session, lasting an hour and a half, the opportunities for participation offered by the new Erasmus 2021-2027 program were detailed. The session was also used to present the results of the previous call (Erasmus+ 2014-2020).

Program of the day



Workshop on Open Access and the new Open Research Europe platform of the European Commission.

The European Commission opened the last call for the Horizon 2020 funding program, related to the European Green Deal initiative. The UAB International Projects Office organized a session aimed at promoting the co-creation of proposals coordinated by the UAB. The session, in virtual format, was aimed at UAB research staff interested in collaborating and designing joint and interdisciplinary proposals for Call Area 10.

Proposal review workshop.

On February 18, 2020, a conference on European Financing in Health and Infrastructure was organized. The infrastructures available at the UAB and at the UAB Sphere were presented to carry out innovative and competitive projects in the field of Life Sciences.

Documentation on the financing opportunities workshop in the fields of Health and Bioinformatics that was organized on July 10, 2019.

The session took place on June 21, 2019 in the IERMB Seminar Room located in the MRA building. Time Machine is a great research initiative that aims to influence the existing frontier between research in information and communication technologies and the social sciences and humanities.

Proposal review workshop.

On May 24 in the Graduate Room of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Letters of the UAB, a conference was held on the Marie S. Curie call: Individual Fellowships 2018. The conference was given by Queralt González, Project Technician of the OPI.

The objective of this call is to finance mobility actions for researchers who wish to carry out stays of one to three years in another country. All candidates must meet the so-called mobility requirement, and have not lived in the destination country for more than twelve months in the last three years (at the closing date of the call).

On March 5, an informative workshop and preparation of proposals H2020 Secure Societies - Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens, organized by the CDTI, ACCIÓ, was held in the Graduate Hall of the School of Engineering of the UAB and the UAB. It was a practical session in which information was provided on the new topics published in the Work Program 2018-2020, related to Safe Societies, and recommendations were given on how to prepare successful proposals.

In addition, success stories and potential of the attendees were announced, with the idea that synergies could arise, with a final networking and B2B session.

On January 18, 2018, an information session and review of proposals on H2020 Social Challenge 5 Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency & Raw Materials took place at the ACCIÓ headquarters. The conference was organized by: CDTI, ACCIÓ, IRTA, Eurecat, URV, PRUAB and UAB.

In this session, the new initiatives for 2018 related to this topic and practical recommendations on how to prepare successful proposals were announced. In addition, project ideas were also made known, with the help of collaborating entities, with the idea that synergies may arise between the companies and entities attending the session.

In parallel, meetings were organized to review previously submitted proposals, to validate with the NCP the fit with the topic of WP 2018-2020 of the Societal Challenge 5: Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency & Raw Materials.