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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Children from the CROMA 2.0 socio-educational programme discover the UAB

22 May 2024
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On Tuesday 21 May over 2000 children participating in the CROMA 2.0 socio-educational programme organised by the Fundació Autònoma Solidària (FAS) visited the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) to discover the university and present the projects created jointly with different research groups from the University.

Visita CROMA 2.0

CROMA 2.0 is a socio-educational programme managed by the FAS, with the participation of UAB students, as interns or volunteers, and is aimed at children aged 11 and 12, in workshops where group dynamics, study support and research projects are carried out. The programme aims to awaken the interest in learning of 5th and 6th grade students who are in a situation of socio-economic vulnerability and who do not have an accompaniment outside school hours.

One of the objectives of the visit is for the children to present the results of the research projects they have carried out during the workshops. Thus, in front of an audience, they presented the results, conclusions and lessons learned from the following projects: Una escola verda per a tothom (A green school for all), from the research group TransMedia Catalonia; Tothom és igual? Parlem per a la igualtat (Is everyone equal? We speak for equality) with GREDICS; Plantes mutants (Mutant plants) from CRAG; and finally, the Robot de les emocions (Robot of emotions) of the Institut de Neurociències UAB. After that, they were able to take part in various activities prepared by each research centre and through different challenges, learned more about the academic aspects of the university.

They also enjoyed a gymkhana, which revolved around the theme of drought; the children had to collect signatures to prevent a millionaire from  all the water from the UAB to build private pools. Thus, they interacted with the people who were at the UAB Campus, discovering the environment and the different areas of the university. 

The day at the UAB ended with the traditional family photo which, this time, was taken at the UAB Columns. 

This year, 18 schools from the municipalities of Montcada i Reixac, Rubí, Sabadell and Terrassa participated, and 30 UAB students volunteered in this socio-educational programme, students from Psychology, Education, Sociology, the Humanities, and other degrees.
